Indulge your love of curiosities and discover the strange and unusual world of Taxidermy & Entomology. Our ethically sourced and locally made collection of framed butterflies, arachnids, bats and insects will create a statement in your home or office and quench your thirst for the peculiar.
SPECIES: Scolopendra subspinipes
ORIGIN: Indonesia
DESCRIPTION: Brown/black centipede. Centipedes have large antennae and have only one pair of legs per body segment. The last legs extend backwards behind the body. Centipedes can run fast and can bite. The bite of a large centipede can be painful to an adult and dangerous to a small child.They live in moist areas such as leaf litter, under logs or rocks. Predatory, they use "poison claws" to seize a variety of smaller organisms such as worms and insects, which are killed by the venom. Fun fact they have 42 legs NOT 100!
Colours may vary from light to dark brown.