Set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi and 25 years prior to the events of The Force Awakens, Disney+ released Star Wars: The Mandalorian as a live action TV series in 2019. The story follows the title character, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin, and his exploits beyond the reaches of the New Republic. Taking the world by storm, actor Pedro Pascal, also referred to as "Mando" was a foundling rescued by Mandalorians. "The Child" is a toddler at age 50 and is of the same unnamed species at powerful Jedi Master Yoda and needs to be delivered to "The Client" by the Mandalorian.
- Digitally printed deluxe jumpsuit with printing on front and back and foam padded body armour
- Jumpsuit features a holographic panel on the chest
- Moulded 3D belt is digitally printed and attached to the moulded and painted 3D bandolier
- Long grey cape attaches with velcro tabs at shoulders
- Moulded EVA plastic 1/2 face mask has an elastic strap at rear plus tight knit mesh to see through
- Blaster and shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Star Wars product
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Not only a postage charge, more importantly, it's a priority option. Opting for Postage for a Direct From Supplier product ensures your order is prioritized, processed, and shipped individually via StarTrak Express. This prioritization results in faster delivery times, with orders typically arriving in 2-5 days.
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- Please reach out to us as we may have another product similar in store.