Disney's new 2021 animated movie "Encanto" tells the tale of the Madrigal family, who live in an enchanted town in the mountains of Colombia. Every child but one in their magical house (yes, the house itself is alive!) has been granted a unique ability such as strength or the power to heal. Mirabel, the only ordinary child, discovers this magic is under threat and she may be the only one to save it, despite not being blessed with special powers. Join Mirabel alongside her sister Isabela and Antonia, her animal-loving friend in this Spanish-inspired, colourful off-the-shoulder dress and see where the magic takes you!
- Dress featuring bodice with digitally printed floral pattern and attached rounded yoke
- Yoke has a printed corsage butterfly on the left shoulder plus a foil dot print and scalloped edging
- Skirt has an attached waistline with Mirabel's name printed on it and felt underskirt to add volume
- Digitally printed flowers and a raised glitter screen print with pink tassels complete the Spanish look. Shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Disney product
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